Thread: Stuck on GTD
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It sounds to me like a few things that you can do with OF might help:
1. I would try to schedule time in your day to concentrate on clearing out an entire project or context. I would decide the project or context in advance and not wait to decide when that time rolls around. Then, no excuses! For two hours or three hours or whatever, you're committed to clearing out this project.

2. It might be worthwhile to put time estimates on your tasks. Then, when you have a spare half hour, see if you have one or two tasks that can fit in that half hour by sorting tasks by length of time. Just clearing out one or two tasks can get a lot of momentum going.

3. If you have a lot of things that have due dates, maybe make a goal of clearing out everything that has a due date in the next month, so when you group by due, you have absolutely nothing in the overdue, due today, due tomorrow, due in the next week, due in the next month groups. If that's too many, maybe try just getting it out a full week. Then you might feel more in control and it will be easier to keep up with what you have to do by doing the things that you want to do.