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People have asked about what precisely a "graffle" is and I have seen some allusion to this being some sort of mystery on (e.g.) the Omni Blog itself. In the interest of Science and Education I took a picture of my cousin's nice graffle and asked him if I might post a picture of it but he's a modest sort and demurred.

If you're still on the edge of your seat wondering precisely what a graffle is (as opposed to what a picture made with OmniGraffle might be) I found a nice one at

If you're afraid that's some sort of scam link (a reasonable concern in general, though not wrt me) just use your favourite search engine to search for "graffle" and "tractor" and find your own picture.

(you may now return to Weightier Matters of State insofar as they concern OmniGraffle and I will now get back to work, which I am avoiding).