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So, if I don't mop the floor on this Monday, my task-management system gives me a free pass and just moves the due date to next Monday? That kind of defeats the whole purpose of having a due date in the first place.

When I miss one of my regularly repeating tasks, then the next time I look at it I want to know that I missed it. When it comes time to do my review I need to know that I missed it. I'm not keeping track of that fact in my head (or conveniently forgetting it either) because OF is telling me, "by the way dude, you didn't mop the floor last Monday".

If you're going to mop the floor with a due date of Monday, then do it by Monday, and when it doesn't turn out the way you want it to, let OF tell as much so you can address the issue during your review process. If you're not really that concerned about getting it done this Monday, or letting it roll over to next Monday is okay with you then stop kidding yourself and take the due date off of the task.

Not to sound too preachy, but if you've got tasks that "should be done weekly, but don't always get done," that's an issue that needs to be addressed in the weekly review. Facilitating that problem by making OF more lax about due dates kind of defeats the purpose of having OF or any GTD app at all. This feature could be added as an option without breaking OF's functionality, but is this really something you want to use?

Last edited by MEP; 2007-07-13 at 09:15 PM..