Thread: Webdav?
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Originally Posted by kidtreo View Post
Well instead of sniping, perhaps you could post your 3 minute set up instructions and actually help those of us who are unsure how to accomplish this so easily and quickly.

Thanks in advance for being helpful.

And btw, neither I nor my powerbook drink beer so not so worried about that :)
MMmmm, beer. Anyway, I decided to use BingoDisk, and I'm happy with it. If you don't want to pay, or don't want to deal with the hassle of a local setup, you're stuck with an unreliable service like (maybe it's only sometimes unreliable, but that's too unreliable for me).

1. Get BingoDisk account ($20 a year for 10GB is really not much)
2. Enter BingoDisk account data in OF WebDAV sync field (
3. Sync
4. Do same on iPhone/iPod Touch
5. done.

Having the DAV store locally makes sense if you're not generally away from your laptop/computer for very long. I don't want to turn my laptop into a roving web server, though, so it's worth it to me to have my synced data somewhere else.

Good luck!

p.s. I have no interest in BingoDisk otherwise -- I used it for the first time yesterday. I would have preferred to use a free DAV store I have access to via my job, but there's an issue with self-signed certificates and https: WebDAV access and the iOF app. Since I wanted to spend as little time as possible getting it working, and as much time, well, working, I determined that the time savings was worth $20/year. Your calculations may vary...