Thread: Calendar view?
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Originally Posted by devbowman View Post
Is there an option of displaying a calendar view with items' due dates/times visible so I can schedule my due dates in a manner that doesnt overwhelm me?
Why are you scheduling your due dates at all?

I ask this in all seriousness. One of the most liberating aspects of Getting Things Done for me has been the idea that due dates are only for those things where you have made a commitment to someone (which might be yourself) to do something by a given date. Everything else should have no due date, but you should review all your actions and projects regularly so you can keep tabs on what you have promised to yourself and others to do and assess whether you're actually making progress toward doing them.

If I've made promises to 25 people to have something done by August 31, no calendar tool in the world will help me organize those due dates--they're all due August 31. I can use OmniFocus's current view bar to see that, and to plan my work for the next three weeks so I can get it done. But I see no need to give myself due dates unless they're externally imposed (obviously, if I want to reserve dinner for Wednesday night, I'd better do so by Wednesday afternoon, possibly earlier depending on the restaurant). Rather, I review my projects, decide what is important to get done, and do it. Otherwise, given how much I want to do, I would spend a good chunk of my day moving overdue items to new due dates! :-)

To be truly workable, a calendar system would also need to account for the amount of time and effort each project would require. Then you're moving into project management application territory, not personal to-do list territory (i.e., OmniPlan, not OmniFocus).