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Originally Posted by omniinmo View Post
Let me give you a less "laughable" example:

**Setup safe on garage wall with Fred's help**

This needs to happen at your house, in the garage, and you need Fred's help to lift the safe because it's too heavy.

To simplify your contexts are:

- Garage
- Fred
- Waiting

Which context do you pick?

*Garage* because it needs to happen in your garage?
*Fred* because you need Fred?
*Waiting* because you already notified Fred that you needed his help and because you are now "waiting" for him to decide to come and help you?
You pick Garage, because it is the most restrictive of the bunch. If you run into Fred at the office or at the grocery store, it doesn't matter, you aren't going to be installing the safe there, only in the garage. Go read Ken's post from a year or so ago for some practical wisdom. In my opinion (and experience as a long-time user of Kinkless and OmniFocus), legitimate cases where a single context just won't work at all are rather uncommon; people who want to make a baroque system that will entertain endless fiddling, somewhat less so. Just to be clear, I am not saying that multiple contexts cannot be useful, only that they are rarely necessary. This is very much a case of "that may be all right in practice, but it will never work in theory." If you insist to yourself often enough that you can't possibly work without multiple contexts, you'll probably convince yourself. Try insisting otherwise. At any rate, arguing about it on the forum doesn't spur Omni to do it any sooner!