Thread: Perspectives
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Originally Posted by admiralackbar74 View Post
First, I'd love to know what kinds of perspectives you all have that you use on a regular basis.
The two most often used are my Urgent view and my Tickler view. Urgent is context mode, grouped by due, sorted by due, due soon, any duration, any flagged. I've got all the future groups closed. Tickler is context mode, grouped by start, sorted by project, available, any duration, any flag. I try to work the actions in Urgent first, then the Tickler items, with the goal of not having anything left over. Obviously, there are projects that don't get done in a day, and I use flags and regular reviews to keep them moving on subsequent days.
Second, I'm having a problem with a perspective I've created called "Today." I have it set to show due and flagged items. But it's showing due, due soon, and flagged items. The due soon items show up even when I put a start date for the day the item is due.
As I described above, I use the grouping feature to sift through actions, closing the groups I don't want to see. It's successful enough that I had to go check to make sure I was also seeing the behavior you report :-)
Is there a way for the perspective to show items that are flagged and only due items that are actually due today, not soon? Or will I need to change my "due soon" time frame to the same day for this to work? Any help is appreciated.
Try a variation on my Urgent perspective, closing all the groups except the one for Due today.