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A large portion of this whole debate is about granularity.
Where on the scale of granularity do you place yourself?
This can be a hard question and the answer is different depending on your needs. (Is this useful or silly to put into OF.)

Automatic inbox collection represents super high granularity. I just feel that it would not work for me as I have a ton of stuff moving in and out of my computer on a daily basis. Others might benefit from it or I might benefit from parts of it.

Consider this however; emptying the inbox is a mentally challanging task. It forces me to think about the structure and nature of things. I sometimes find myself subconsciously avoiding it; and I don't usually have a lot of items in there, 5-10 per day at the most.
If I'm this lazy now - I can't imagine what automatic collection would do to me...

Another thing: Sometimes I just knock off tasks directly from my inbox without entering them into the system. Works fine for a lot of tasks...