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Originally Posted by myfre View Post
thanks. used Rob's quick stats script and compared the old backup as whpalmer suggested. they are the same.
You know, I thought to myself "he's not going to use OFQuickStats to compare them, is he? Not if I tell him to look..." when I wrote that post. Apparently, I was wrong :-)

OFQuickStats isn't the tool for the job, as it rummages around in the cache for the default document, and so will give identical answers even if the databases are completely different. It not only doesn't know which database you might be looking at, it doesn't even need OmniFocus to be running to do its work. Alas, it only works for the default document, not any that you've opened by double-clicking in the Finder.

If you want to do some counting and have it work for other than the default document, you might use this older script which isn't as fast:

-- Recursively counts projects, single-action lists, and folders of the front OmniFocus document. Written by Dennis Rande, 10/16/08.  Additional modifications by Bill Palmer to permit use with other documents, count actions and zip files, etc.

global FolderRec
global ProjRec
global SALRec

set FolderRec to {numActive:0, numDropped:0, totalNum:0}
set ProjRec to {numActive:0, numOnHold:0, numCompleted:0, numDropped:0, totalNum:0}
set SALRec to {numActive:0, numOnHold:0, numCompleted:0, numDropped:0, totalNum:0}

tell application "OmniFocus"
	if (front document is default document) then
		set DoZipFileandActions to true
		set DoZipFileandActions to false
	end if
	my GetStats(front document)
	repeat with aFolder in every folder of front document
		my GetStats(aFolder)
		my RecursiveScan(aFolder)
	end repeat
end tell

set output to ""

set output to output & "Active Folders:  " & numActive of FolderRec & return
set output to output & "Dropped Folders:  " & numDropped of FolderRec & return
set output to output & "Total Folders:  " & totalNum of FolderRec & return & return

set output to output & "Active Projects:  " & numActive of ProjRec & return
set output to output & "On Hold Projects:  " & numOnHold of ProjRec & return
set output to output & "Completed Projects:  " & numCompleted of ProjRec & return
set output to output & "Dropped Projects:  " & numDropped of ProjRec & return
set output to output & "Total Projects:  " & totalNum of ProjRec & return & return

set output to output & "Active Single-Action Lists:  " & numActive of SALRec & return
set output to output & "On Hold Single-Action Lists:  " & numOnHold of SALRec & return
set output to output & "Completed Single-Action Lists:  " & numCompleted of SALRec & return
set output to output & "Dropped Single-Action Lists:  " & numDropped of SALRec & return
set output to output & "Total Single-Action Lists:  " & totalNum of SALRec & return & return

if (DoZipFileandActions) then
	set TotalNumActions to do shell script "sqlite3 ~/Library/Caches/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus/OmniFocusDatabase2 'select count(*) from Task';"
	set ZipFileCount to do shell script "ls -l ~/Library/Application\\ Support/OmniFocus/OmniFocus.ofocus | grep zip | wc -l | tr -d ' '"
	set output to output & TotalNumActions & " actions in " & ZipFileCount & " zip files"
end if

display dialog output buttons {"Copy", "OK"} default button 2
if button returned of result is "Copy" then
	set the clipboard to output
end if

on RecursiveScan(aFolder)
	with timeout of 300 seconds
		tell application "OmniFocus"
			tell default document
				repeat with subFolder in every folder of aFolder
					my GetStats(subFolder)
					my RecursiveScan(subFolder)
				end repeat
			end tell
		end tell
	end timeout
end RecursiveScan

on GetStats(aContainer)
	tell application "OmniFocus"
		tell default document
			set FolderActiveCount to count of (folders whose hidden is false) of aContainer
			set FolderDroppedCount to count of (folders whose hidden is true) of aContainer
			set FolderTotalCount to count of folders of aContainer
			set numActive of FolderRec to (numActive of FolderRec) + FolderActiveCount
			set numDropped of FolderRec to (numDropped of FolderRec) + FolderDroppedCount
			set totalNum of FolderRec to (totalNum of FolderRec) + FolderTotalCount
			set SALActiveCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is true and status is active) of aContainer
			set SALOnHoldCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is true and status is on hold) of aContainer
			set SALCompletedCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is true and status is done) of aContainer
			set SALDroppedCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is true and status is dropped) of aContainer
			set SALTotalCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is true) of aContainer
			set numActive of SALRec to (numActive of SALRec) + SALActiveCount
			set numOnHold of SALRec to (numOnHold of SALRec) + SALOnHoldCount
			set numCompleted of SALRec to (numCompleted of SALRec) + SALCompletedCount
			set numDropped of SALRec to (numDropped of SALRec) + SALDroppedCount
			set totalNum of SALRec to (totalNum of SALRec) + SALTotalCount
			set ProjActiveCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is false and status is active) of aContainer
			set ProjOnHoldCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is false and status is on hold) of aContainer
			set ProjCompletedCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is false and status is done) of aContainer
			set ProjDroppedCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is false and status is dropped) of aContainer
			set ProjTotalCount to count of (projects whose singleton action holder is false) of aContainer
			set numActive of ProjRec to (numActive of ProjRec) + ProjActiveCount
			set numOnHold of ProjRec to (numOnHold of ProjRec) + ProjOnHoldCount
			set numCompleted of ProjRec to (numCompleted of ProjRec) + ProjCompletedCount
			set numDropped of ProjRec to (numDropped of ProjRec) + ProjDroppedCount
			set totalNum of ProjRec to (totalNum of ProjRec) + ProjTotalCount
		end tell
	end tell
end GetStats