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Sure thing. The other problem I am having actually happened again tonight (I had left omni open all day and came back to this evening). OW stopped loading some images in pages and would render pages incorrectly, so I used Activity Monitor to dump the open files. I also took the same list of open files while OW was behaving normally after a restart. I've posted them on my webserver here:

open files while OW works fine

open files while OW is behaving badly

I hope this helps. If you need me to poke around with anything else while it's misbehaving I'd be happy to do so. Thus far I can pretty much guarantee either the POSIX error or the won't load images / render css problem by just opening OW and leaving it idle for a few hours and then coming back to it and doing some normal surfing. It does seem that the images that won't load are all images that should be pulled from the cache. New images usually seem to display. I notice this mostly on news sites. The new 'top story' image loads, but the images for the stories that I saw earlier in the day don't. And if I Refresh immediately after that then nothing loads except the text (no css / no images). As always, quit / restart makes it work just fine.

The next time it gives me the POSIX error, I will post the open file list here as well. Though the last time it happened I did look at the list of open files and it didn't look too different from what I just posted.