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1) Thumbnail tabs
2) Advanced search shortcut setup. By default type "google [item to search for]" and OW searches for it on Google. I've simplified this: "g [querry]" searches google, "gi" searches google images, "tb" thottbot, "movies [location]" searches yahoo movies for listings, etc etc. When I use other browsers I miss this feature more than any other. It's SO much faster to hit "Command-L" and then "g take apart diagram of Apple iPhone" than it is to go to Google or use a google bar.

There are other things that I like about OW, other things that are amazing about OW, but honestly off the top of my head when I'm really sleepy, those are the two that are ABSOLUTELY worth the cost of the browser.

Incidentally, I first started using OW because it was the first multithreaded browser on OS X. The internet itself was slower, and it was often the server's fault at the time, and being able to have one page loading in a background window while you interact with the foreground window was REALLY nice.