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Originally Posted by LizPf View Post
I disagree, quite strongly.
I am a housewife and mom, full time. I haven't sat in a cubicle in 15 years.
Can see how it works well for this too. Home activities are nicely listable. Generally all of the house projects can wait until its the next task on the list. If you don't get to cleaning the gutters til next week, its not a big deal. Equally time scheduled appointments (pick the kids up at hockey, meet with neighborhood committee, etc) work well to be placed directly in iCal.

My problem is that of a small business and consulting firm. I have 24 projects tasked out for this year. But I have no idea how to organize the task timelines for the projects, when I can fit a new client in, when I can realistically tell someone all the tasks will be done for their project, or how to audit projects for how much time I actually did spend, etc.

I could use Omniplan, but it is designed more general purpose and takes too much time to enter project, it doesn't have quick entry, or most importantly ANY of the features of omnifocus. Putting my tasks in 3 places Omnifocus, OmniPlan, and iCal is ridiculous. Easier to just use a piece of paper or spreadsheet at that point.