Thread: Date stamp?
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Originally Posted by rogbar View Post
Most typically, it's to keep track of when I've assigned a task to someone, or when I called or emailed or left a message for someone, or when I've sent away for something.

Part of my review process is to look at these dates and make judgement calls as to when I need to follow up. For some things it's 2 days, for others, it's 2 weeks, or whatever, so grouping isn't as useful to me as simply having the original date next to the item.
This is more project management than task management.

Okay, that aside, how about using something like TextExpander to put the details in the notes? i.e.

July 17, 2009 10:39 AM assigned to Fred (I used 2 TextExpander shortcuts to put in the time and date, but you could have a single code like xxx which would expand it all, so it would take 1/2 second to type).

Then, change the context to @waiting and reset the start date to 2 days or 2 weeks out so it disappears from your view until it's time to revisit.