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Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
By the way, the reason we chose to represent collapsed rows using arrows pointing upwards rather than pointing to the right is that arrows pointing to the right generally indicate "take me to a detail screen".

I think many of you will be happy to hear that current builds use some of those right-pointing arrows in the sidebar to access your project and context lists in the sidebar. Tapping on a sidebar project or context will focus on that item in the main view, much like the Mac app does. (In the build from the sneak peek video you could also focus on specific projects and contexts, but you had to get there by pressing on an item and selecting "Focus" from its pop up menu.)

I'd like to clarify my feedback regarding the arrows. I can't speak for others.

In Finder, there is list view. In list view, disclosure triangles are positioned to the left of the icon, pointing right, or into the row it is associated with. Clicking the triangle points it down, into the contents of that row/folder. This is the behavior you use in your Omni apps as well.

Ken, I understand that you want to avoid confusing users with the traditional iOS 'detail' or 'contents' arrow that points right (off the screen). However, the purpose of the triangles you're using are as disclosure triangles, and to maintain certain UI paradigms, I'd highly recommend placing them left of the project/folder icon, and acting in the same way as they do in Finder and OmniOutliner.

Upon watching the video again, I've noticed you even use the UI pattern I've described in the Perspectives list. Please consider making these icons behave consistently.

I'm a designer myself, so watching this platform grow is very exciting from a design standpoint, and I want to thank Omni for hearing its users and being so transparent. I'd be happy to discuss this further.