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Originally Posted by brooce View Post
Stay GTD Canonical, at least for the first release.

Prioritization is not canonical.
Priorities ARE "canonical"; see p. 49 of GTD: priority is 1 of the 4 criteria DA gives for selecting which task to perform in the moment (although IMO & at least for my business, he has them in the wrong order, partly because priority usually trumps the other criteria & partly bec. contexts exc. lack discriminating power in filtering tasks).

I can't believe how widely people misread GTD and what he says. For another example, he correctly warns against assigning artificial due dates to ASAP tasks (essentially a proxy for priority). Yet all the developers and users of supposedly GTD apps focus excessively on giving the ability to do this.

For me, it makes virtually all GTD-type apps (including OF, which I've tried repeatedly to make work for me) useless.