Thread: The Hit List
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Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
I personally noticed that the enthusiasm for Things plunged just after it was no longer free to use.

It may be that tagging actions is a great feature (I personally disagree with that view, but I recognize that others may think differently), but I think that the reasons that particular products seem to generate enthusiasm online are probably misleading.
Part of the enthusiasm fallout with things was when it started to cost $$$, but I believe it was far more to do with the product development totally dying after everyone paid for it. There is a lot of dissatisfaction with them on their forums and it is with cause. The product is more beta now than it was in beta and they hardly even communicate. I paid for Things because I had used it for several months as beta and I thought the pace of updates would continue and I could wait until it did what I wanted. Nope. Waste of my money. I have no reason to think Hit List will be any different, no offense to them (and I know it is not fair to paint with such a wide brush).

Not sure if this is accurate, but since I switched to Mac I have found so much more of this . . . someone or a small teams makes a really good looking app with all kinds of potential and then it just stagnates and essentially dies. I get why it happens, creating something is fun. Taking it the final 25% with all stability and error free performance is where it becomes work. I recently have had this happen with a few apps . . . and it has forced me to start looking for more products that have a better chance of being around (with real updates) in a year or two.