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Imagine if Blacktree had made an app for how people actually behaved, and didn't create Quicksilver, which requires you to rethink how you interact with your computer.

There are a few tools and workflows you can use in email to make it a capture-and-act tool. Mail Act On and Mail Tags are two I use and recommend. It's certainly possible to build a good workflow around mail.

GTD requires a certain level of commitment, one I'm still struggling to make. I don't do my reviews as regularly as I should, for example, and I don't always get my various inboxes to zero. But I'm working on it. I don't want a tool that nags me to do something at a certain time. There's just no way for it to know that “now” is a good time to bug me. If I'm not in a place where I can work on that particular project, being nagged about it doesn't move anything forward, and causes stress. One major point of GTD is to eliminate stress.

The Omnigang has stated that their goal is to make a great GTD application that can be used by non-GTD adherents, and will add features that are not strictly GTD; when a feature directly conflicts with GTD canon, GTD will win out. I think nagging directly contradicts GTD canon.

OmniFocus will do rather well in the market for those looking for a tool to help them implement GTD, as well as those willing to adjust a little to what OmniFocus can do for them outside of strict GTD. Many people will come looking for OmniFocus because they are interested in GTD; others because it scratches a particular organizational itch; the rest will either use it or use something else. You can't get 100% of a market, and anyone who tries is doomed to failure (or being legally deemed a monopoly).