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Originally Posted by Uzziah View Post
I'm guessing I'm not the only one concerned about this. It would give me some peace of mind to know that I'm not leaving my OmniFocus database there for someone else to find after I had left the company.

Especially the projects entitled "JOB HUNT," "HOW NOT TO RUN A COMPANY" and more.

It doesn't make sense to have "Remote Zap" functionality unique to OmniFocus. Because, at that point, you'd need the same functionality for _every_ application that you could put data in, if you raised the same concerns (Word, Excel, Pages, Numbers, etc.).

If the concern is data security, you should use encryption software. Mac OS X has Filevault built in. At that point, if you lose access to the machine, so long as nobody has your password, they can't get to your data. Note, if you leave on bad terms (i.e. you're fired) then you can get away with this -- if they ask for your password you can refuse to provide it, but rarely do people who get caught in these types of situations move onward and upward in the business world.

In the case of an amicable departure, it sure is a good idea to delete/remove _all_ personal data from the machine before you give notice.

But in general, this is not an Omni problem to solve. There are tools like Filevault (or Encrypted Disk Images, which is the OS X technology on which Filevault is built) which will do a great job here. It's a good idea to use Filevault on _any_ portable machines that contain sensitive data, and then to require a password to unlock the machine from sleep or screen saver. That way, your data is pretty much completely safe if a laptop is lost, stolen, or "repoed" by an employer who fires you.