Thread: Text Expander
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Originally Posted by Steves71 View Post
One of the main reasons this would be helpful to me is for phone numbers. I could set up a list of frequently used phone numbers within textexpander then within OF when creating a new event to phone someone all I have to do is type the shortcut that I predefined. This would save a huge deal of time jumping back and forth between OF and the address book app and when I see an event to make a phone call I could initiate it directly from within OF on the iPhone.
I'm not sure I see any huge advantage in this particular example. If you go to the Address Book app, you can tap and hold on the desired phone number, and select Copy. Now go to OmniFocus and paste it into the note of the action to call someone. When it comes time to actually execute that action, you can just tap the phone number and the iPhone will call it.

Your scheme might save a bit of tapping but at the cost of remembering a bunch of abbreviations for various phone numbers. Measured as a percentage of the total number of taps to enter the action, shortcut, etc. going to the Address Book might not be much marginal overhead. Streamlining this by allowing you to pick contact cards directly from the Address Book database while in OmniFocus would seem like a friendlier solution.

Not to say that Text Expander support wouldn't be welcome, of course!