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Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
Viewed from Leopard, the contrast between lozenges and dark background is gratuitously high.
WOW. Yes. I just upgraded, and... wow. And I'm a recent *Windows* user, so my standards are low.

That filter bar says "HEY! LOOK AT ME! AROOOOGA!"

I've just downloaded the 1.6 theme, and it didn't change the filter bar, so I'm guessing that isn't themed. Sigh. At least the Lucida's gone now. (And I *like* Lucida. Just not here.)

Perhaps it would be helpful for someone in Omni to read a basic text on graphic design
It's bizarre. Despite the welcome presence of Ken, Tim and others on this forum, and despite the fact that Omni clearly cares about human factors (i.e. they're not game developers, Adobe, or Craigslist), they keep getting simple things wrong, and making right things wronger.

I can't imagine why, but I can't stop rediscovering it, either. OmniFocus and OmniOutliner keep getting in the way, and they keep finding new means to do it.