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I've been struggling on how to organize Areas of Responsibility in Omnifocus.

Here's the way I'm defining terms. I think this is standard GTD definitions:

"Projects" are efforts with a finite, describable end state. "Rebuild the engine on the 1967 T-Bird" is a project. It's a large collection of tasks, some sequential, some parallel, some single-action lists, which have a concluding state: The engine on your car has been rebuilt.

"Areas of Responsibility" are open-ended. "Car maintenance" is an Area of Responsibility. You're probably going to have at least one car your whole life, and they'll always need maintenance. "Car maintenance" can contain projects.

Several of the OF blogs I've read say that OF Projects should be just that -- Projects. Areas of Responsibility should be designated by folders.

But that doesn't make sense to me, because many of my Areas of Responsibility just contain single-action lists of actions. "Household chores" just means do laundry, pick up the living room, clean the catbox. Those are single-actions, they don't need projects. I could create a folder with just one single-action list in it, but that just seems silly to me.

How do you handle this kind of distinction within OF? Do you use OF projects for both GTD projects and GTD areas of responsibility?