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I'm sorry guys, but I am completely fed up with this. Many of us have been using OO for years and hyping the product to all our friends. Now we are waiting MONTHS for OO 4 and the iPad version only hearing it will be here "soon." When we ask nicely, you ignore us. Once in a while you come here and say "soon" again...

We deserve better.

I understand the demands trying to get multiple products out on multiple platforms. I truly do. I also understand the problems with giving timeframes and having people disappointed when you don't meet them. We are NOT asking for exact times, or even close estimates. I think everyone here would be happy if you simply told us "Sometime in the next month or two" or "by the end of the year" or "sometime next year."

The truth is, when I started using OO years ago, it was the best product out by far. You had no real competition for a simple, elegant, easy to use, outlining tool that just worked. Now, you do have competition. What is keeping me, and I assume many of us, here is loyalty and a desire not to re-learn another tool.

Unfortunately, your silence and unwillingness to provide even the most basic time estimates speaks volumes about your commitment to this product. As others have pointed out, it is abundantly clear that you have put OO on the back burner for what I presume are more profitable products. That's fine. I understand. This is business, and you have to make a profit. Believe me, we want you to make a profit.

While many of us feel some kind of loyalty to OO, that loyalty only goes so far. Without changes, you will lose us. This isn't a threat. I realize that we, individually, or even as a group, are not very profitable for you. This is just a wakeup call. If we are important to your business, make some changes, or we're gone.

/rant off