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OK, the problem seems to have to do with “embedded” file attachments. I’ve been able to access and save out file attachments using this code:
tell note of theItem
	set NumberOfFileAttached to number of file attachment
	set i to 1
	set ListOfPaths to {}
	repeat while i ≤ NumberOfFileAttached
		if embedded of file attachment i then
			set tempFilePath to my pathForTemporaryFile("OmniFocus")
			tell file attachment i
				save in tempFilePath
			end tell
			set end of ListOfPaths to tempFilePath
			set end of ListOfPaths to file name of file attachment i as string
		end if
		set i to i + 1
	end repeat
end tell
This raises a new problem: embedded file attachments are saved as files with no type. I’ll start a new thread for this.