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Keeping track of bill paying is one (of many) critical aspects of how I use OmniFocus.

For that I have two projects:

Finances One-time STL
Finances Repeating STL

(STL = single task list)

This allows me to separate out things like a repeating credit card bill from a one-time plumber bill. I hadn't made that separation initially, but I found it very useful toward being able to quickly and frequently review the One-time list to make sure I wasn't dropping the ball on anything and less frequently review the Repeating list to make sure everything appropriate was on it.

After adding that separation into two single task lists of "One-time" and "Repeating" to my Finances project, I found it so useful that I've extended that to several other STL areas. e.g. Home Maintenance and administrative tasks at work. When I'm getting tasks done the separation doesn't matter, where it helps me hugely is when doing both quick and more in-depth reviews.