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I may be misunderstanding, but to be clear, I wasn't advocating for shipping compiled scripts and I don't do so myself. But it appears to me that Script Editor does, in fact, compile scripts when they are saved as "script" format, storing both the text and the compiled form. I'm taking "compiled" very liberally here; it may simply be tokenizing and mapping to class codes from the application dictionaries. I haven't read the AppleScript developer notes. The problem with activate appeared to be related to a broken mapping of some sort, but it went away for me before we could get any reliable log data.

All the scripts I share live in my ~/Library/Scripts folder, or its descendants. And they're all stored as "scripts" from Script Editor so that I can run them and edit them. The shared versions are just zipped up with their instructions. The first disadvantage of shipping scripts saved in "text" mode is that I have a bunch of extra work to do to share the scripts. Frankly, maintaining my RSS feed and web page are at, or just slightly beyond, what I can rationalize in terms of support for the scripts. The second disadvantage is that users have to use Script Editor to run the scripts.
