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I do this all the time outside of my current kGTD setup via a "Today" folder on my desktop. These are the items I need to perform an action related to, as well as an alias to a project support folder for those projects I've decided to put some effort into WRT doing and/or defining.

In order to get this to fly today in kGTD, I use the Due Date "feature" that pushes this out to iCal at the top of the list. I then work my tasks from iCal.

It would be WONDERFUL if I could add projects and/or NAs to a Focus (i.e. folder) without removing them from their current folders (sidenote: I would use top level folders as Areas of Focus or in GTD altitudes, 20,000 ft). For me, a core "Area of Focus" has to be what is on the plate to attack Today, while still being a part of the area of focus such as "Director of Product Management" or "Father".

