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In my own system I use the terms Vision, Goals, Objectives, Projects, and Actions. These correlate with review periods — I review my medium-term Vision every four years (on Leap Day, Feb. 29!), Goals once a year, Objectives quarterly, Projects monthly, and Actions weekly (and sometimes daily, mainly with regard to "inbox" tasks that may or may not be related to the higher-level stuff).

I keep my OF Projects in folders for the Objectives, but haven't found it useful to try to maintain the higher-level hierarchical structure in OF. Instead, I do have top-level folders for what I call Domains (which correspond to GTD "areas of responsibility", or Covey's "roles" for that matter, but to me don't really fit very well into Allen's "elevation" model, at least not at the level where he places them).

Whenever I do a review (4-year, yearly, quarterly, etc.), I pick a small number of goals, objectives, projects, etc. to focus on during the upcoming period. Then I use those as the basis for planning when I do the review for the next-lower level, e.g. determining the Objectives for the upcoming quarter that will advance my Goals for the year.

Planning for anything above quarterly Objectives takes place outside OmniFocus.