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Originally Posted by drewwilliams View Post
I’m seeing inconsistent behavior: My reminders for my “Home” context are coming into OmniFocus, but reminders for “Work” (configured the same way in OmniFocus) are not.
Siri records its location-based reminders with a specific location, but not a radius: their location is just a single pin on the map, and they presumably always set their reminders geofence using the same radius (but they don't tell us what that might be).

We look up whatever location Siri has set in the reminder, and compare it with the locations of any contexts which you've configured with a matching reminder, i.e. one which has a small radius and which goes in the same direction (arriving or leaving). If the reminder location is within your context's location notification radius and the location direction (arriving or leaving) matches, OmniFocus should capture the task.

Hope this helps demystify the process a little!