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Hi Everyone,

I've spent the last eight years using Franklin/Covey. I'm not one of those persons for whom F/C was just a quick todo list and nifty leather binder that my employer paid for. I am one of the serious "What Matters Most" kind of guys. Over the years F/C has been a good system for me, unfortunately the F/C software has gotten worse and worse.

Last year I hit the breaking point, I hadn't used a paper binder in years but I had to go out and buy a paper binder. I've spent the last 12 months carrying it around, and I AM DONE.

I went looking for a replacement and laded at OmniFocus. I listen to a lot of podcasts, I've been listening to Merlin talk about GTD for a couple years I think, so I'm not unfamiliar with the GTD concepts. I have not read Allen's book, but in truth I'm not looking for a new system, I'm looking for new software.

That being said, I find the concept of "Context" interesting, and I'm starting to see how I can apply it to help organize my tasks. I love the Parallel vs Seqiential concept too and it's starting to make it's way into my mind as I lay out projects. I do miss my little "ABC" "123" columns, but I can adapt.

So, with regard to OF, I like it a lot, but there are a few things I have not figured out how to do yet. I don't know if the functionality I am looking for exists at all, or if it's available via a plugin or what (I did a lot of forum searches before I started writing this, but if I missed some of these answers please forgive me).

Question #1 Priority. Yes I saw the long thread on Priority, and I can understand how some people would want it and other not. But when I sync my tasks (or Action Items if you like) to iCal it gives them a priority. Where is that coming from? How do I change it, or see it, in OF?

Question #2 Delegation. I have things on my task list that need to get done, but not by me. I need to track it, it's a step that needs to be completed, but not one that I can complete myself. In F/C I'd mark that as delegated. How can I indicate that I've delegated an action Item in OF? Yes, I could flag it, but I don't want to unflag it later, I want it marked, for all time, as delegated.

Question #3 In Process. Sometimes my task is to call someone, and I end of leaving them a voice mail, and waiting for them to call me back. In F/C I'd mark that item as In Process. In OF it looks like it's either done, or not done.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and offer an answer or suggestion if you have one. I'm looking forward to getting to know more about OF and the community around it.