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I think what Chuck wants is the difference in kGTD in renew vs recur.

In kGTD (and thus I expect OF) if you give something a date and say "recur in 2 weeks" when it is completed it will create another task in two weeks from that date it was due. This would be your "pay bills on the first" example.

The other one is called "renew" and when you give a task a date and "renew in 2 weeks" it creates a new task two weeks after it was completed. So If it was completed two days before or two days after the due date, the new due date is exactly two weeks from the completion date not the due date.

In kGTD you can do days, months, weeks (not sure about years).

Bills: Due March 1st, 2007 - Recur in 1 month
Contacts: Due March 1st 2007, Renew in 3 months

It is VERY handy and I am sure at the minimum those features will make it into OmniFocus through the inspector.

The nice feature in kGTD though was this was written in the note field so you could enter it on your Treo and it would flow back to kGTD.