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Originally Posted by amz1 View Post
Just to clarify, how serious a problem would this be? Will it mess up the entire sync? Or just mean that that particular action has incorrect data? And if this happens, what should I do?

Abe Z.
Only you can say how serious it is for you, and only when you know how big the error is. If you changed it on one device at 10AM (when you did it), and the other at 1PM (looking at your other device which hadn't been synced, and thinking "oh yeah, I did that, must have forgotten to check it off"), and then when you realize this (because there are two copies of the next one), you delete the original, the time would be off by 3 hours. If you did the same thing except changed it on one device on Monday and the other on Thursday (only relevant if you didn't sync in the interim), then you would be off by 3 days.

If you sync a device before using it and after making any changes, this problem shouldn't come up. If it does, and you get a duplicate repeating action, keep the earliest one (I assume you don't mark things completed before you actually do them).

No harm is done to the sync process. If you have a repeating action "take out the trash" which you mark completed in two different places, then sync, you just end up with two copies of "take out the trash" for next week instead of one.