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Hi all,

One the the biggest challenges I've had is keeping the stuff in my OF clean. I'm pretty good at capture, but until I also get really good at moving the appropriate stuff *out* of OF (for me this is probably not-active stuff like Maybe Someday, and captured things that turn out to be General Reference and Project Reference), there's too much stuff to wade through to quickly and effectively complete a weekly review.

I've played with the ideas of moving these things out into Devon (powerful but not for me), OmniOutliner, and even Freemind. At the moment OO is the front-runner but I wish the export worked better.

I recently had another idea but I can't tell whether it would work. Would it be possible to use an alternate .ofocus document, aside from the main document, where we could keep and review this peripheral stuff, and also from which to retrieve it? I can't see an Open command on the File menu, and I suspect that OF would only allow one OF document to be open at a time.

I think this could be pretty dangerous also, i.e. if I had an alternate .ofocus file open and OF thought it was my main one, and it attempted to sync with MobileMe. Has anyone tried anything like this?