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To go with the location-setting script in another thread this one allows you to view the location of a selected OF context in Google Earth.

(A way of checking that you have set the right latitude and longitude. The view will be centred on coordinates specified in the context's location.)

Select a context in OF and run this script.

property pTitle : "Show location of selected OF context in Google Earth"
property pVer : "0.03"
property pDistance : 150 -- edit the preferred height above the location here (metres)

tell application id "OFOC"
	set oDoc to front document
	tell front document window of oDoc
		set lstContexts to value of selected trees of sidebar
		if length of lstContexts < 1 or class of first item of lstContexts ≠ context then
			display dialog "Select a context in OmniFocus before running this script" buttons {"OK"} with title pTitle
		end if
	end tell
	set oContext to first item of lstContexts
	set oLocn to location of oContext
	if oLocn is missing value then
		display dialog "No location is assigned to the context:" & return & return & ¬
			name of oContext buttons {"OK"} with title pTitle
			set {numLat, numLong} to {latitude, longitude} of oLocn
		on error
			set strName to name of oLocn
			display dialog "No latitude or longitude is assigned to the location " & strName & return & return & ¬
				"for context: " & name of oContext buttons {"OK"} with title pTitle
		end try
	end if
end tell

tell application id "Erth"
	SetViewInfo {latitude:numLat, longitude:numLong, distance:pDistance, tilt:0.0, azimuth:0}
end tell

Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-04-06 at 10:08 AM.. Reason: Added error checking in case of Search locations - thanks to whpalmer4 for drawing my attention to these