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I've recently trimmed the fat and deleted many projects that have become habits. Such projects include, flossing, checking my weight, inputting my daily nutritional intake, jogging six miles, etc....

I like that many of these things have become habits. I've noticed my system has molded to now include only things that are pressing I. The sense of having to do it no matter what. Such things include typing up an essay, reading certain journals, etc.

The dilemma is that in my thoughts I'm thinking that I now have two different buckets with things to do. One being the OmniFocus system, and the other being the habits I'm trusting my brain to now just automatically do.

It's an infesting situation, but admittedly am realizing that I've placed too much importance with my gtd OmniFocus system the past few years and it's time to appreciate what truly is important to me... And that means taking it easy, meanwhile being productive.

It's an interesting journey.