Thread: Power Delete!
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GTD certainly isn't the only way to get things done. I think there's some attraction to Forster's ideas, especially if you don't like planning out projects, or your tasks don't naturally fall into projects. GTD (especially when using OmniFocus) really wants you to break your work down into smallish chunks that you can do in a single session, whereas SuperFocus handles repeated swipes at a task without additional difficulty. For some people, the extra structure GTD imposes is comforting and helps them move through their work, and for others, it will be just the opposite.

I've toyed with the idea of trying to shoehorn AF or SF into an OmniFocus + AppleScript implementation, but it really seems like OmniOutliner would be a more receptive vessel, given the two column setup. I'd be quite interested in learning more about how you're making it work in OmniFocus.

As for the review, I think some sort of review is essential, but I prefer the rolling review that OmniFocus facilitates, rather than the all-at-once periodic review that a paper-based GTD system encourages. SuperFocus' dismissal rules enforce a bit of a rolling review, as well. It isn't ideally suited to doing your 20k-50k stuff, perhaps, but I don't see why one can't take a set of review checklists like the ones Curt Clifton has shared and apply them to any system that helps you to get the runway-level work done, whether it be GTD, Covey, SuperFocus, Pomodoro, Magic 8-Ball, etc.