Thread: OmniFocus UI
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I've commented once or twice how OF isn't necessarily the prettiest app visually, but that's compensated 1000x over by its power and flexibility.

The discussion about UI makes me a little nervous because I'd hate to see anything done for surface beauty that compromises what's really important -- that is, how incredibly well OF works. Remember, beauty is only surface deep.

That said, if I was to make a serious cosmetic request, I would probably ask for a wider array of Perspective icons. A few are nice. The blue generic one is actually pretty good and is what I use most (that is, too much). Most of the Perspective icons are plain or ugly little black & white images that I just don't find attractive nor very useful as accurate symbols for what my Perspectives are showing me.

I use Perspectives heavily and have icons lined up along the top for those I use the most. It would be nice to have some more variety and color up there.