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Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
I think more the OF way is to arrange your projects in the order of priority & the actions within each project in the order of priority in planning mode. OF assumes that if one project is more important than another project, then all the actions in the first project are more important than all the items in the second project.
Gee, I don't see that at all. That would be an unnecessarily restrictive model, in my view. Actions from one project might be of more urgency or importance than those from another project which overall is more urgent or important than the first one. Say I'm working on a project with Tom that is behind my current main project in importance, but I'm going to be finished in half a week with my main project and then the project with Tom will be back on the front burner. However, Tom leaves for a two-week vacation tomorrow, and I've got to get his changes before he leaves. Not having those changes will block progress on my work until he returns, so that task better be done no matter what before he leaves.

I think the rich palette of grouping and sorting options in context mode also belies the notion that we are intended to sort the order of our projects by priority. The group by project in context mode (which then sorts by the order of the projects in the planning mode sidebar) certainly gives us the option to work that way if we choose, but the presence of Edit->Sort allowing the arrangement of projects by such obvious prioritization schemes as alphabetical order makes me dubious that Ken, Ethan, et al have some expectation that we'll sort our projects only by priority! I'm sure I can dredge up comments by various Omni folks saying things like "plan in project/planning mode, work in context mode" and the only way that meshes with my interpretation of your comment is if you're grouping by project, which is but one choice of many. Their suggestions on the use of folders to organize projects also tend to suggest a more flexible viewpoint.

Perhaps I'm just not understanding what you are saying here. I do agree that arranging the actions that make up a project by priority makes sense to the extent you can freely arrange their ordering.