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Originally Posted by JKT
Ditto... if anyone could tell me how to do the same on a PC laptop (HP) I would be eternally grateful (and I have looked in every control panel I can think of...) as it constantly selects things when I don't want it to.

However, it is worth pointing out that myself and others have often accidentally double-clicked tabs (thus causing them to open in a new window) when using the trackpad button on a PowerBook, so this isn't limited to unintentional double tapping.
I too have trackpad clicking permanently turned off ... I have a tremor, often quite marked, and trackpad clicking is disastrous. I am also one who regularly has problems with accidental double-clicking of tabs; I manage to do it even using a mouse.
I just regard these things as factors in my existence that I have to try to work out strategies to avoid--like turning off trackpad clicking--though they are a nuisance when they happen as they will do from time to time for me.
I am currently teaching myself to use a graphics tablet ... you can imagine what fun that is with shaky hands :)