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Here's a happy user of OmniFocus for Mac and iPhone who over the time became aware, that he needs an outliner and of course I licensed OmniOutliner (Pro) today.
I knew about the missing options for the iPhone and so I will not complain. Apart from creating new notes when I'm visiting customers and editing and adding tasks to OmniFocus I don't use my iPhone much for creating data - I do that in my bureau/shop -,but being able to view my files on the iPhone is absolutely essential for me. It's my business-to-go. I knew I will have to workaround this problem with exporting to .pdf or .html and I'm mentally prepared to do so for a long time to come …

… but please, whatever great app for OmniOutliner on the iPhone you may release sometime in the future: Give us a viewer!


PS: And thanks for your SyncServer! :)