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There is another level of GTD that you haven't reached yet.

Once you start processing relationships and personal things in GTD, then it becomes more than just a grocery list. Once you start putting your dreams and desires into it to try and make them happen, then it becomes something other than facebook or email or even financial data.

I'm aware that all emails are going through others servers. I don't get personal with emails. If I want to get personal, I talk to someone on the phone or in person.

This is not a luddite stance. I use all the tools of technology and embrace them. But that doesn't mean I shove down my throat to consume any idea that any one has. You do this, you'll get parasites.

There is a normal amount of trust in the good in people that is healthy. And there is an amount that is reckless. And there is the amount that is paranoid.

How many people, if they found their sig other's journal lying on the counter, wouldn't open it and read it? This is someone who they care about. And yet you think a company is trustworthy, just because why??? Everyone is doing it? You think some stranger, sitting in a server room, really cares anything about you? That's not trust, that's something else.

This is the one thing Apple could do to compete with the google giant. They could offer encrypted email servers. Not just to and from their servers, but email encrypted on their servers, verified by a third party, that no one but their sender and receiver could read, including their employees. Who else offers this service? Google never would, because they make money off scanning, analyzing your emails. The only hope you have is that you are a drop in the bucket.

There are people in the world with ideas. And there are people in the world who know how to get things done; people with power, people with money. There are people in the world who feed off others, because they don't have ideas, but they have connections, or power, or money. There is give and take in the world. It's important we know what is being given and what is being stolen. There is a difference.