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Originally Posted by korm View Post
If I am looking at actions in context view, grouped by "Due", then I shouldn't see actions that are set to be due in the future listed in a group headed "Due within the last week".
This makes sense when you look at in the from the POV that the due date for a task is earlier of the tasks due date, or its project due date - whichever is earliest will rule.

I think where OF falters on this, is the app should prevent you from assigning a due date for a task later than its parents due date. When that situation comes up, there should be an alert detailing the issue:

When setting a task on a dated project: "This date is later than the projects due date and will be set to the due date for the project"

When setting a date on a project with dated tasks: "N Tasks have due dates later than this date, proceeding will change all later dates to this date" Proceed/Cancel

That would really help the user know what is going on in OF object model a bit more.

There are a still a few places where OF lets the user go down a road of dead ended expectation.
