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If you copy a line in OmniGraffle (with Cmd C), you will find that you can not paste it into OmniGraphSketcher.

If, however, you select a line in OmniGraffle, and copy it by running this script, you will find that you can then paste it's set of points into OmniGraphSketcher for quick decoration and axis-framing.

(Places line in clipboard as a sequence of point coordinates - could also be pasted into something like Excel)

-- Ver .03 (Slightly faster)

-- Copy coordinates of selected OmniGraffle line into Clipboard
-- (In form that can be pasted into OmniGraphSketcher, Excel, etc)

on run
	tell application id "OGfl"
		tell front window
			set lstSeln to selection
			set blnFound to false
			repeat with oSeln in lstSeln
				if class of oSeln is line then
					set blnFound to true
					exit repeat
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
		if blnFound then
			set lstData to points of oSeln
			set {{rxMin, rxMax}, {ryMin, ryMax}} to my GetRanges(lstData)
			set {rOriginX, rOriginY} to {rxMin + ((rxMax - rxMin) / 2), ryMin + ((ryMax - ryMin) / 2)}
		end if
		set strClip to ""
		set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, tab}
		repeat with i from 1 to length of lstData
			set {rX, rY} to item i of lstData
			set item i of lstData to ({(rX - rOriginX), -(rY - rOriginY)} as string)
		end repeat
		set my text item delimiters to return
		set the clipboard to (lstData as string)
		set my text item delimiters to dlm
	end tell
end run

on GetRanges(lstData)
	set rHigh to 2 ^ 16
	set {rxMin, rxMax, ryMin, ryMax} to {rHigh, 0, rHigh, 0}
	repeat with oPoint in lstData
		set {rX, rY} to oPoint
		if rX < rxMin then set rxMin to rX
		if rX > rxMax then set rxMax to rX
		if rY < ryMin then set ryMin to rY
		if rY > ryMax then set ryMax to rY
	end repeat
	{{rxMin, rxMax}, {ryMin, ryMax}}
end GetRanges

Last edited by RobTrew; 2011-11-14 at 11:53 AM.. Reason: Typo in title :-)