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Well, that's why there is a market for iPod touch. The iPod touch is for folks who don't want the iPhone but still want access to the iTunes app store. It's a great device if you already have a sizable investment in iPhone apps and don't want to throw it all away. While it currently doesn't have a camera, it functions almost exactly like an iPhone. Other missing features would be the GPS and compass. Rumors have a new iPod touch with camera capabilities sometime this fall.

I've seen people carrying around the cellphone of their choice as well as an iPod touch. I do this myself and don't mind.

I can already hear the griping about having to carry two devices. But the iPod touch is small enough to fit in your pocket. It's not like you will be carrying a huge 5 pound dictionary or Bible in your pocket.

Omni already has a full plate on their laps. Updating the OmniFocus iPhone app, working on the iPad app, updating to desktop version 1.8, as well as working on their other programs will keep them busy.

They're already spread thin. Asking them to pile on an Android version will be the last straw on the camel's back.