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As I posted here, I've been struggling a little to get OF entirely "trusted" and transparent(ish). Based on some of the help recieved there and in other threads, I've come up with a setup that I think is pretty good for someone new to both OF and GTD. Mainly, I'm interested to know if anyone thinks I've made any glaring omissions - are there any holes in this set-up that actions could fall through?

Remember, I'm the kind of person that needs a very clear and defined workflow - I don't have the self discipline to do these things without a framework to help me.

So, my intended workflow, starting today, is:


This will be collection from a combination of incoming e-mails, some of which may end up in OF automatically, but which may not, post, audio notes on my iphone, and voicemail, i.e., my physical inboxes. I've added flagged actions to my inbox, to remind me to check each of those, and those four reminder actions will never be completed or deleted. Flagged is sorted to the top so they don't get lost in the list.

Starting point each day is to visit this view, and add items from the various sources. Empty mind time!


Next step is to go through the "Collect" perspective above, processing each item in line with Allen's workflow (is it actionable?, 2 mins?, etc etc.).

Having emptied the Inbox that way, I visit my next perspective, "Daily Review:

Here I can go through and check start and due dates, stuff I'm waiting for, completion, and can flag any "need to give that priority" actions.


Everything should now be processed and ready for working on, so looking at next actions, with flagged (i.e. top priority stuff), at the top, I can select my current context and get on with work.


I can look at this perspective from time to time and follow up anything I've delegated or am waiting on. Grouped by due date so I can see whether or not it actually needs chasing up.


No image - I'm only allowed 4 apparently.

For occasional review.


All completed actions. I don't need to keep completed items, so this is more of a Trash bin ready for permanent deletion.

I still think OF could have an option to help more with the processing stage, and I would like a lot more automatic collection options, but never-the-less think this is a pretty good set-up for someone like me. Now, over to others to destroy my illusions that this is good stuff!
