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Originally Posted by JKT
FWIW, I had a response from Joel wrt to the pt "bug"
Originally Posted by Joel
ep, this is because pixels aren't a valid unit type for printing. So, we use points instead, as there are 72 points in an inch, which matches the old (somewhat out of date) standard for pixels.
Well, I hope Joel is reading this, 'cos for some things one wants to do, being able to set the size in pixels is more helpful. For instance, I prepare graphics for use in Keynote and the projectors here at Xiada are all 800x600, so to fit the template, I work with a canvas that's 576x360 pixels, or something like that. I'm using a 17" MBPro which is definitely not 72 pixels to the inch, so if I had to set up new templates using points, I'd have to mess around calculating what 576x360 pixels on this screen would be in points which would probably be inefficient in terms of sizing the elements of the diagram, or do it at 576x360 points and then have to scale the diagrams to fit the Keynote template ...
I'm sure there are many similar scenarios, too.