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As a project manager in a Windows office I've tried using OmniFocus on my iPad as my main task management tool. I've been a fan of OmniFocus for years and I've used it when self employed on my home mac. The iPad app looks great and is pretty easy to use but after a couple of months I've finally decided to switch back to my previous solution of Remember the Milk.

The main reason I've decided to abandon OmniFocus is the effort required to enter tasks in the iPad interface. I've even bought a keyboard to make the typing quicker but the process is just too slow and tedious to be a workable solution for me.

Running a number of teams means that I need to track tasks across various departments and work streams, so I make use of folder and sub projects, but as deadlines are important to me, I find myself in the forecast view most of the time. The folder structure I required to organise my information just became to cluttered to be useful.

Remember the milk has a great web interface that allows me to quickly bang in tasks from whatever machine I happen to be using at the time. They don't have an ipad app yet (it is due out at the end of March) but the iPhone app is as good as OmniFocus and the keyboard shortcuts help make the web app as good as a desktop one.

The killer feature for me is email integration, RTM allow me to email tasks from any email client (so I can quickly forward a task) and as well as the iPhone app having pop-ups, it will email me reminders.

So in summary, OmniFocus on the iPad is a well designed app that is great for your own tasks but is slow for entering lots of tasks and a pain if you work in a WindowsPC world.

Hope that helps
