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I know this is probably going to get me mobbed by GTD purists, but I really like having things in different colors depending on the kind of thing they are. OF appears to allow me to have, say, all project names green, all next-tasks blue, and all unavailable-items black. What I want, though, is to be able to change colors according to other rules; for instance, everything related to network setup ought to be green. I think this is partially a holdover from failed attempts to make conventional todo lists work for me, but the color-coding really does help me enjoy working with things.

Is this a feature request, or a support request? Only the experts can tell me.

BTW, ten minutes in, I love this immensely. I've tried three or four other apps, and while I loved the color-coding and autocollection of Midnight Inbox, OmniFocus does a better job of letting me suddenly promote a task to a project when I realize I underestimated it, or otherwise allowing me to be distractable and leave things half-considered. This program really is astoundingly cool.