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I'd like to create some template with tasks I need to do for the courses I teach and then import them into OmniFocus. I've seen Curt Clifton's scripts for creating templates, but I'm trying to keep my OmniFocus database small since I sync with my iPhone. So it appears what I need to do is keep my templates somewhere else and then import them into OmniFocus.

I can write some scripts to create a tab-separated file with what I want which I can then import into OmniOutliner and then I can copy and paste from OmniOutliner to OmniFocus.

I have something like this in OmniOutliner (where the commas indicate columns in OmniOutliner)

write lab 1,Mac,1/11/2010,1/13/2010

When I copy that into OmniOutliner and tell it to use the second column as the context, I get a new context with the name "Import of 2009-12-19 19:54:59 -0500 : Mac" even though my OmniFocus document has a context named "Mac".

Is there a way to avoid it creating these new contexts when copying from OmniOutliner and have it use the context that already exists? Also, How would I get it to use subcontexts? I have a Print/Copy context that is a subcontext of an Office context.
