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Originally Posted by Jon12345 View Post
Under my Today perspective, it shows under Status: Due or Flagged. Surely that means Due today, rather than anything with a Due date?

Otherwise, how do you deal with repeating tasks?

If I set a start date for 4am, does this mean it won't show up? Do I have to do this every day or just once?
The "Due" is related to what your due soon setting is in the OmniFocus preferences. The repeating task for the next day is showing up because it is considered due soon. If it was due a week, month, or year out which is considered not due soon by OF's default preferences then it would not show up under your status setting. Adding a start date to a daily repeating task resolves the task prematurely showing up in lists.

Yes, this start date will be carried and adjusted along with the due date of a repeating task. So you only need to set the start/due dates, the task variable, and the repeat frequency variables once and they will be automatically added to every future created tasks.

And yes. The task would show up only at 4AM on the date it is set to start (unless you set the start day after the due date by accident).