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I haven't re-arranged my dock, primarily since I've been using the iPhone for so long I've become habitually accustomed to the default layout from the days when you couldn't change it.

However, I tend to organize my home screens into distinct categories anyway.... Screen #1 is my "working" screen, which contains frequently-used apps and work-related apps.... Since my brain is locked on the default layout that I lived with for the first six months of iPhone use, I've kept the standard apps that I do use in their default locations, and swapped out the ones that I don't use to replace them with more useful ones. Hence, OF actually replaces the YouTube icon in that location, Contacts replaces Stocks, and so forth.

My second screen consists of reference applications and other secondary apps that are used a bit less frequently, and my third screen consists of games. The fourth screen is miscellaneous apps.... mostly those apps that I'm trying out at any given time that have not yet found a permanent place on my iPhone.

I spend 90% of my time on Home Screen #1 anyway, and tend to habitually return to it by default whenever putting the iPhone away.